Polish Briefing: NPP construction to start in 2026. „No” to „partition” of Tauron


What goes on in Poland on the 15th of January.

Construction of the Polish nuclear power plant is expected to start in 2026

The Polish nuclear power plant will most likely be built in Pomerania. Its construction will start in 2026 – Michał Kurtyka, Minister of Climate and Environment, announced on Thursday in an interview with RMF FM.

In an interview with Robert Mazurek, Michał Kurtyka confirmed that the planned date of commissioning the first unit of the Polish nuclear power plant is 2033, and construction will start in 2026. – As far as the location is concerned, this year we have to complete the selection of the technology, and next year precisely determine which of these locations will be the first. The most likely location is the north, Pomerania. There will probably be at least two or maybe four blocks – he emphasized.

As for the most recent location, he added that various options are being considered. The minister thus referred to the recent statement by PiS deputy president Antoni Macierewicz, who declared that the nuclear power plant would be built in Bełchatów in 2043.

It is worth recalling that, in accordance with the assumptions of the government, the implementation of climate goals is to be on nuclear energy. The Polish nuclear power plant is to use generation III nuclear reactors and, as a „stable and safe” source, have a capacity of 6 to 9 thousand MW. The location of the power plant is to be selected within two years.

Unions do not agree to the „partition” of Tauron

Tauron’s trade unionists’ report on the transformation of the energy sector presented at a meeting with the deputy minister of state assets, Artur Soboń, persuades to reorganize this company different from the plans which, according to the authors, will lead to its „partition”.

34 trade unions took part in the work of the working teams for the transformation of the energy sector and met at 24 meetings, also during the Christmas and New Year period. What are the conclusions of these meetings? First of all, there is no consent to the division of Tauron, because PGNiG is to buy heating, various ideas are also heard about the mining part, distribution, in turn, would go to PGE as a company that would consolidate the entire energy sector.

Tauron unions also believe that it will be necessary to gradually transfer unprofitable assets to NABE (the National Energy Security Agency, which is to be established in order to organize energy assets) while maintaining the integrity of the Tauron group and the generation area as part of it. „The Protest and Strike Committee of Trade Unions operating in energy companies of the Tauron Capital Group demands that the continuation of work on the planned transformation of the power sector in Poland be conducted with the participation of the Presidium of the Protest and Strike Committee of Trade Unions operating in energy companies of the Tauron Capital Group” – we read in summary.