Polish Briefing: Talks on hydrogen at Kongres Polska Chemia 2020


What goes on in Poland on the 16th of September.

Hydrogen – fuel of the 21st century

– If we want to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, we need to implement many investments, primarily in renewable energy, due to the move away from fossil fuels. We only have thirty years for that, which is relatively short. We need to think about coal, perhaps it will be useful for gasification and petrochemicals. I am convinced that these directions will develop. However, hydrogen will be the fuel of the 21st century because it is harmless to the environment. This creates huge challenges for PKN Orlen, which must deliver hydrogen to the stations in order to retain customers. I think the development of hydrogen cars is a necessity, and a supply chain will also be necessary. Withdrawal from fossil fuels will make crude oil less needed, while the redirection of oil derivatives to petrochemicals creates further conditions for development and PKN Orlen goes in this direction. We will develop wind farms, solar farms and petrochemicals – said Józef Węgrecki, member of the management board for operational matters at PKN Orlen at the Polska Chemia 2020 Congress under the patronage of BiznesAlert.pl.