Orlen shareholders go to court over refusal to grant discharge

PKN Orlen. Picture by Jędrzej Stachura
PKN Orlen. Picture by Jędrzej Stachura

The shareholders of Orlen filed a motion with the District Court in Łódź to overturn the refusal by the Ordinary General Meeting to grant discharge to eight former board members and two supervisory board members for the year 2023.

Orlen announced that its shareholders filed a lawsuit with the District Court in łódź regarding the refusal to grant discharge for the year 2023. They are demanding the annulment or reversal of the resolutions adopted by the company’s Ordinary General Meeting on June 25, 2024, regarding the refusal to grant discharge for 2023 to eight former board members and two supervisory board members

The lawsuit concerns the members of the management board: Armen Konrad Artwich, Patrycja Klarecka, Michał Róg, Jan Szewczak, Józef Węgrekki, Piotr Sabat, Krzysztof Nowicki, Robert Perkowski and Andrzej Szumański and Michał Klimaszewski, who were members of the supervisory board in 2023.

The company said that in its opinion the lawsuits were unfounded.

On June 25, shareholders at the general meeting did not give discharge to all members of the management board, including the then President Daniel Obajtek, who was not covered by the lawsuit. The decision was motivated by the negative impact of the decisions taken by the management board in 2023 on the financial results and operating activities of the company. One of the reasons is the loss of PLN 1.6 billion by Orlen Trading Switzerland GmbH, a subsidiary of the Group. The money was paid as a prepayment for the purchase of oil and petroleum products. The delivery was not made.

Orlen / Marcin Karwowski