Over PLN 150 million from Gaz-System to local communities


The value of property tax Gaz-System delivered to the communes exceeded PLN 150 million in 2017. Over the last five years it has reached more than PLN 600 million. The communes may allocate this sum for any purposes, that are considered essential to the local community.

Transmission gas pipelines belonging to Gaz-System run through the territory of 790 communes across Poland. The length of the national network is nearly 11 thousand kilometers. Each year the company pays the property tax of 2 percent off the infrastructure located within its premises to the commune budget. – An extension of the network provided for gas transmission translates into a year-to-year increase of the property tax we submit to the communes. This is some kind of contribution we make in favor of development of local communities. – says Artur Zawartko, Vice President of the Management Board, Gaz-System.

Tax is not enough

Gaz-System has a strong commitment for security of the infrastructure. Employees of the company carry out an ongoing monitoring of the system and make relevant repairs. Another essential factor is a transparent information policy related to investments. The company arranges meetings and consultations with inhabitants, throughout which the staff responds directly to the questions of the interested parties. Due to new investments, Gaz-System also establishes exhibition stands. Information on new and existing infrastructure can be found at: www.gaz-system.pl.

Education really matters

GAZ-SYSTEM is also involved in education activities, addressed to children and youth – it arranges chemistry classes at schools as well as field inspections. On the other hand, the Natural Energy Fund and the Fund for Local Initiatives are examples of grant contests supported by Gaz-System, thanks to which local communities are given an opportunity to implement their undertakings and ideas.

– As early as at the initial stage of investment, we are identifying the needs of our stakeholders. Our involvement into local communities is noticeable and appreciated by the dwellers – adds Artur Zawartko, Vice President of the Management Board, Gaz-System.

Source: Gaz-System
