Polish Briefing: Either ambitious goals for energy, or none


What goes on in Poland on the 14th of January.

Petru: Either ambitious goals for energy, or none

– Let us commit the government by adopting a new, responsible energy strategy – proposed the president of the Teraz! (Now!) party, Ryszard Petru. In his opinion, the share of coal in the energy mix by 2040 should decrease to 20 percent, and the atom should not be considered at all.

Ryszard Petru took part in the presentation of the PSL energy strategy. – If we want an energy consensus, let’s answer together whether we want to build a nuclear power plant? I believe that all of us who sit here are against it. I agree with the goals of the PSL that the share of RES in the energy mix by 2030 should amount to 50 percent, and our economy is expected to become zero-emission by 2050. Should the level of carbon in the energy mix reach 20 percent in 2040? If we do not set ambitious goals, there will be no goals. We will not be safe if we are based on coal, we will be safe if we diversify the sources of energy – he added. He proposed the adoption of a resolution that would oblige the government to adopt a specific energy mix project. He added that RES also means know-how and a chance for profits, as shown in the example of Germany.

– Energy can be a source of well-being. If we do not focus on transformation and renewable energy, we will have to buy energy from renewable sources, only more expensive and imported – he concluded.