Polish Briefing: PGE Baltica signed an agreement with the Polish Geological Institute


What goes on in Poland on the 18th of November.

PGE Baltica signed an agreement with the Polish Geological Institute

In line with previous declarations, PGE Baltica and the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute (PGI-PIB) signed an agreement on cooperation and technical consultancy in the field of geological and engineering works for two offshore wind farms Baltica-2 and Baltica-3. This is another step in the implementation of the Offshore Program of the PGE Capital Group, assuming – in accordance with the new PGE Group strategy – the construction of offshore wind farms with a total capacity of up to 6.5 GW and implementation of the provisions of the letter of intent signed between the company and the institute in February 2020.

Geological research is an important preparatory stage for the construction of offshore wind farms. Thanks to them, the ground conditions in the sea areas where offshore installations will be built will be defined. The data collected during the research will enable the investor, among others selection of suitable foundations for wind turbines to be installed in geologically diverse areas of the southern Baltic Sea.

Experts from PGI-NRI will support PGE Baltica in this very important stage of the investment, which is marine geological research. The cooperation will primarily cover the identification of the geological conditions of sea and land areas where facilities and elements of offshore wind farm installations will be built. In addition, the company will be able to count on technical advice and support in collecting the necessary project documentation in the field of geophysics, geology and geotechnics.

– Installation of offshore wind farms on the seabed is a complex process that requires a series of tests and analyzes as well as properly prepared documentation. We want the investment carried out by PGE Baltica to be based on the highest quality data, which is why we have decided to cooperate with the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute. We believe that thanks to the support of experts, we will be able to efficiently carry out works in the field of geotechnics and select the most appropriate offshore technologies, which will translate into optimization of the investment process – said Monika Morawiecka, President of PGE Baltica.