PGE needs to separate coal assets. Rare agreement on both sides of the political barricade

Former President of the Polish Energy Group Wojciech Dąbrowski. Picture by
Former President of the Polish Energy Group Wojciech Dąbrowski. Picture by

Former CEO of Polska Grupa Energetyczna Wojciech Dąbrowski has comment on the presentation of his predecessor during the press conference about the company’s financial results.

„The words of the new CEO give hope, because they at least they are down-to-earth and free of unprofessional ideas presented during the election campaign,” Dąbrowski said about the press conference of Dariusz Marzec, PGE’s new CEO. „The energy transition should be independent of political changes because it is not a project for one parliamentary term. That is why I wish PGE president Dariusz Marzec the best of luck in continuing the energy transition project, because Poland’s energy security in the future depends on the success of this great venture, ” he says.

„The separation of coal assets is necessary for the process of transformation and keeping the energy sector in Polish hands. Keeping coal assets in the PGE Group will prevent it from raising funds for investments and development of low-carbon energy,” he summed up.

This was his comment on the new CEO’s speech. „The separation of coal assets from the Group’s structures is a very important issue. We will work on the optimal solution. We are convinced that we need to act quickly. We are talking to the government and ministries. We hope that decisions and legal provisions will emerge soon,” said Dariusz Marzec.

„The market situation is very dynamic. We need to examine and update the model for the separation of conventional energy assets. NABE is a strategically important project for PGE. We do not want to delay and we will argue for a speedy implementation. However, it must be done responsibly, while respecting regulatory and social issues,” he added.

The separation of coal assets has been planned for several years by the previous ruling team, from which Wojciech Dąbrowski comes. However, for years, this reform in the form of the National Energy Security Agency did not come to fruition. The new team intends to present a new idea for this reform necessary to free state-owned energy companies from coal in the portfolio so that they can raise funding for the energy transition.

Compiled by Wojciech Jakóbik