PGNiG: energy security and value growth as top priorities


Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) is set to continue with its strategy of diversifying natural gas supplies to Poland. The key challenge for the coming months will be to increase the Company’s value. PGNiG will also commit itself to building a low-carbon economy based on green energy.

“Poland’s energy security and diversification of gas supplies remain our priorities. Measures to attain them also remain unchanged: to achieve full independence from Russian gas after 2022 and to expand our own gas production in Poland and abroad,” said Jerzy Kwieciński, President of the PGNiG Management Board.

The second key objective of the new PGNiG Management Board will be to increase the Company’s value, through partnerships with entities outside the PGNiG Group and exploitation of synergies that can be achieved by strengthening the Group’s corporate governance.

“The PGNiG Group is a company with the most extensive sales network and one of the largest customer bases in Poland. We supply gas to approximately seven million customers, to whom we can offer other products and services to tap new sources of revenue,” Mr Kwieciński explained.

The PGNiG CEO emphasised the important role of natural gas in the transformation of the Polish energy sector. PGNiG intends to establish close links with local governments in order to expand natural gas-based heat generation.

Jerzy Kwieciński added that the Company should step up work on technologies that would meet the requirements of climate neutrality. Among the solutions explored and analysed by PGNiG are biogas, hydrogen fuel and photovoltaics. The Company would develop them also in partnership with other entities.

“Our plans related to the advancement of a low-carbon economy will be incorporated in the updated PGNiG Group Strategy, which we expect to unveil by the end of this year,” Mr Kwieciński said.