PGNiG will search for hydrocarbons in Ukraine


PGNiG will get to a new stage of cooperation with the Energy Resources of Ukraine (ERU) Management Services through its involvement in gas extraction in Ukraine. ERU Trading is a private company operating on the Ukrainian gas market.

A press conference took place at the PGNiG headquarters gathering representatives of companies from Poland and Ukraine. It was dedicated to cooperation in gas extraction in Ukraine. PGNiG CEO Piotr Woźniak, vice president Maciej Woźniak and managing partner at ERU Dale W. Perry took part in the event. Minister for European Affairs Konrad Szymański and the head of the Chancellery of the President Krzysztof Szczerski were also there.

The agreement between PGNiG and ERU Management Services signed during the event concerns joint hydrocarbon exploration in Ukraine.

Wojciech Jakóbik