Polish Briefing: Plans of re-organization of Polish energy sector


What goes on in Poland on the 5th of August.

Plans of re-organization of Polish energy sector

Seven – this is the number of pages of the presentation discussing the assumed changes in the energy sector, including the merger of PGE, Tauron and Enea, and the end of operation of coal capacities in 2040. This, in contrast to the plan for the mining industry, which the Ministry of State Assets withdrew from, is on paper – writes Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska, associate of BiznesAlert.pl.

– Looking at the dates in the document (last year appears), it is not difficult to get the impression that it has many features in common with the plans that the author of these words described already in… February 2018 in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, and many assumptions are consistent with the postulates of the previous CEO of the Polish Energy Group (PGE), Henryk Baranowski. But in turn – what can we find in the presentation, which, as we have established, to put it mildly, did not appeal to all energy companies? – wonders Baca-Pogorzelska.

More in a comment tomorrow.

Amendment to the RES act

The Ministry of Climate presented a draft amendment to the RES Act. It provides for limiting the concession obligations of entrepreneurs with small installations and extending the maximum period of support in the form of auctions. Thus, also public consultations of the proposed changes to the project began.

The Ministry of Climate wants to limit the concession obligations of entrepreneurs conducting economic activity in the field of small installations by raising the threshold of the total installed electrical capacity or the combined heat capacity for renewable energy installations. According to the amendment, a small installation is defined as a renewable energy source installation with a total installed electrical capacity greater than 50 kW and less than 500 kW, connected to the power grid with a rated voltage lower than 110 kV or with a combined heat output greater than 150 kW and not greater than 900 kW, with the total installed electrical capacity greater than 50 kW and less than 500 kW.