Poland and Germany want to strengthen the Weimar Triangle

Annalena Baerbock and Radosław Sikorski. Picture by MFA.
Annalena Baerbock and Radosław Sikorski. Picture by MFA.

The Polish and German Foreign Ministers have announced the countries wanted to strengthen cooperation as part of the French-Polish-German initiative called the Weimar Triangle. However, it seems that nuclear energy may actually bring closer Poland and France.

Poland’s Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski visited Berlin today, where he met with his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock. The topics of normalization of Polish-German relations and constructive dispute resolution were discussed.

„The heads of diplomacy of Poland and Germany also discussed the prospects of reviving contacts between the foreign ministers of Poland, Germany and France within the framework of the Weimar Triangle, whose potential has not been fully exploited in recent years. According to minister Sikorski, the war in Ukraine has shown that this trilateral format can be a good forum for cooperation, as well as a source of good ideas for the future of the European Union,” a press release said.

Poland, France and Germany have different views on nuclear energy. Paris and Warsaw support the atom on the EU arena, but the Germans have shut down their reactors and do not want to use this type of power generation. In 2021 the alliance for nuclear energy, with the participation of Paris and Warsaw, managed to convince Berlin not to object to adding the atom to the so-called taxonomy, that is, the recognition of investments in this area as sustainable and climate-friendly. This move has made it possible to obtain financing for nuclear projects.

The Poles are in talks with the European Commission on the notification of a model for financing a nuclear power plant in Pomerania at the Lubiatowo-Kopalino site with the first reactor planned for 2033 and three by 2037. According to the Polish Nuclear Power Program, the country wants to have 6-9 GW in nuclear capacity.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Wojciech Jakóbik