Survey: Poles assess the diversification of gas imports very positively


Poles assess the diversification of gas imports very positively and support the development of gas production.

Poles are aware of the importance of energy security

As many as 84 percent of Poles support activities aimed at diversifying the directions of gas supplies, the purpose of which is to give up the import of this fuel from Russia – according to a public opinion poll commissioned by PGNiG.

„Poles are aware of the importance of energy security. We are all the more pleased that the vast majority support PGNiG’s efforts to guarantee all gas supplies to all customers at a market price,” said Piotr Woźniak, President of the Management Board of PGNiG SA, commenting on the results of a public opinion poll on the country’s energy security.

Almost all respondents, 96 percent, recognized that the country’s energy security is important to them. According to the respondents, the way to improve it is to diversify gas import sources and increase domestic fuel extraction.

Increasing the number of countries from which Poland imports gas supports 80 percent. respondents. Even more, because 84 percent Poles see diversification as an effective way to completely abandon gas supplies from Russia.

In turn, as much as 88 percent respondents are for increasing investment in gas extraction in Poland, while ¾ positively commented on the development of exploration and production activities of Polish companies abroad.

„One of PGNiG’s strategic goals is to diversify the directions of natural gas supplies to Poland and to systematically reduce the volume of gas we import from Russia. In the last four years, we have strongly focused on the development of hydrocarbon extraction both at home and abroad – primarily on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. These activities are not only in line with the interests of the state and the company, but also fit into social expectations,” emphasized Piotr Woźniak.

During the study, the respondents were asked to evaluate the measures implemented so far to improve the country’s energy security. 84% has a good opinion on diversification activities, which consisted in increasing the number of countries and directions of gas imports. Investments in the development of liquefied gas (LNG) imports were 82% positive. respondents.

The study was carried out at the request of PGNiG by Kantar in November 2019, on a representative group of 1,000 people.


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