Polish Briefing: Poland has spent over PLN 5 billion on air quality


What goes on in Poland on the 15th of June.

Poland has spent over PLN 5 billion on air quality

Poland has already spent PLN 5,2 billion on improving air quality. Minister of Climate Michał Kurtyka announced at a press conference that thanks to the thermo-modernization relief in force since last year, Poles saved over three billion PLN.

The comprehensive thermomodernization and exchange of heat sources program for more environmentally friendly and more energy efficient works in Poland since the end of September 2018. The project is to last until 2029, and its budget is to amount to PLN 103 billion. One of the elements of the program is thermo-modernization relief. The taxpayer must show the costs incurred during thermomodernisation to benefit from support. – We already know the estimated results after the last tax year – thanks to the thermomodernization relief, Poles saved over three billion zlotys. This means that in total we have already allocated over PLN 5,2 billion to improve air quality – said the Minister of Climate at a press conference.

Poland is not giving up its own electric car

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin declared that work on the Polish electric car will continue and the consolidation of the energy sector is approaching.

Sasin assured that the Polish electric car factory could still be established. – We are not withdrawing, we are technologically prepared to start production, we have very successful prototypes, there is an idea for financing, I know how with the participation of State Treasury companies we can build such a factory and start such production – assured the minister quoted by the Polish Press Agency. He noted, however, that designers of a Polish electric car must take into account „whether today, with such a great competition that foreign companies would be for the new Polish brand, we will be able to sell this product effectively.”