Polish Briefing: Success of EU capacity market negotiations


What goes on in Poland on the 21st of December.

Reform of the European energy market is a chance for Poland

According to the Chairman of the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Jerzy Buzek, the success of negotiations on the reform of the energy market in the European Union is a chance for Poland to change.

Buzek referred to negotiations regarding the 550 g / KWh limit of the capacity market support. – It was dangerous for Poland – he admitted. – There was a threat that Poland would not have an efficient capacity market guaranteeing deliveries. All contracts concluded with Polish or foreign power generators on the basis of several months ago notified by the European Commission until the end of next year are valid without restrictions. Everything we decide to do under the capacity market will be valid for as long as the contracts apply. This is the best opportunity to obtain certainty of deliveries in our market. It all depends now on the efficiency of management, auction, conducted by the Polish government towards energy entities – summed up Buzek.

– We should remember that we have less and less coal and we import it from the outside, so it is in some sense uncertain safety – he warned. – The prices are rising. It is also about the health of citizens. These are matters of considerable importance. If I tried to provide the Polish authorities with the possibility of securing certain supplies, it does not downplay these three factors. From how we use these several years to rebuild our energy sector, to go towards renewable energy and not to disappoint those who want to invest in it, today depends on whether we will be able to move away from these threats.

Attractive gas solutions

– I am from Silesia and I remember that thousands of people depend on coal mining. I want this to be the best organized one. Nobody tells us to leave coal in five or ten years. There are no formal restrictions other than those concerning the capacity market – he said. – I think it is the prospect of several decades.

– This is a great opportunity for us to change proposed in the energy strategy. Money from the emissions trading system does not flow from Poland. We have them at home to invest in energy transformation to show in regions like Silesia or the Konin area, where we will slowly move away from coal, that the European Union, however, is reaching out to tens of thousands of people employed. There is a program that I introduced by the ITRE committee for 5 million euros for the transformation of coal regions – reminded Buzek.

– For our common good in Poland, we should create such an energy strategy to build renewable energy, save energy and possibly build a nuclear power plant. This must be considered. I’m not for or against. Gas solutions, which are economically attractive, are bowing – the former prime minister enumerated.