Polish Briefing: Poland will share its plan for the development of energy with the EC until the end of 2019


What goes on in Poland on the 3rd of January.

Poland will share its plan for the development of energy until the end of 2019

Until the end of 2018 Poland was to pass an energy development plan called the National Plan for Energy and Climate to the European Commission. However, it did not happen. The energy ministry is still working on it and is convinced that it has time until the end of 2019.

– The draft National Plan for Energy and Climate (KPEiK) for the years 2021-2030 was submitted for consideration by the Committee for European Affairs. Then it will go to public consultations. Developed under the coordination of the Ministry of Energy with the participation of 10 involved ministries, the draft National Plan for Energy and Climate for 2021-2030 was submitted for consideration by the Committee for European Affairs (KSE) to agree to the transfer of the abovementioned project to the European Commission – the energy department writes in response to the questions of the BiznesAlert.pl portal.

The deadline for submitting any comments at the National Energy System stage was set for the day January 2, 2019. – Because of the size of the abovementioned d
ocument (almost 500 pages) and in connection with the holiday period (including the Christmas break at work in the European institutions on December 22, 2018 – January 6, 2019) – the Ministry of Energy reports. – Design of the above The national plan will be subject to, inter alia, public consultations in the first quarter of 2019. Pursuant to EU regulation 2018/1999 of 11 December 2018 on the management of energy union and climate action (Article 3), EU Member States notify national plans to the European Commission by the end of December 31, 2019.

Integrated national energy and climate plans

It should be remembered that on 20 June 2018, agreement was reached on the wording of the provisions of the Regulation on the management of the Energy Union („EU Governance”), which defines the preparation of integrated national energy and climate plans for 2021-2030, as well as monitoring and reporting by the Member States to achieve the EU’s energy and climate goals by 2030.

KPEiK should include, among others declared national share of Renewable Energy Sources in final energy consumption in 2030, constituting contribution to the EU-wide target. The European Commission will evaluate the projects and then ultimately approve the content of the plans submitted in the final stage and will monitor their implementation.

Originally, the plans were to be submitted by the Member States to the Commission by the end of 2018, but the Ministry of Energy states that „in accordance with EU regulation 2018/1999 of December 11, 2018 on the management of energy union and climate action (Article 3), EU Member States submit their national plans to the European Commission by the end of December 31, 2019 „.