Polish Briefing: Ministry of Energy will be closed down


What goes on in Poland on the 12th of November.

Ministry of Energy will be closed down

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced candidates for ministers of the new government. He announced closing down the Ministry of Energy and transfer of supervision over energy companies to the new Ministry of Jacek Sasin. Renewable energy development and negotiations in Brussels will be led by Michał Kurtyka.

Prime Minister Morawiecki announced at a press conference that the energy ministry currently headed by minister Krzysztof Tchórzewski will be resolved, and his supervisory powers in energy and mining will go to the new ministry Jacek Sasin called the ministry of ownership supervision.

In turn, Michał Kurtyka will take over the climate policy from the Ministry of the Environment, he will also conduct matters related to energy and climate policy, development of renewable energy sources, My Electricity and Clean Air programs and supervision over the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

A ministry of development will also be created, headed by Jadwiga Emilewicz, which will also deal with construction and tourism.

The Prime Minister did not comment on another key position for energy policy, i.e. the government plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure, which is currently occupied by Piotr Naimski.