Poland in EC cross-hairs over Industrial Emissions Directive

Headquarters Of The European Commission. Picture by Wikimedia Commons
Headquarters Of The European Commission. Picture by Wikimedia Commons

Last Wednesday the European Commission decided to open an infringement procedure against Poland for failing to completely transpose the EU Industrial Emissions Directive – Onet.pl has reported.

„Industrial activities have a significant impact on the environment and health. The Industrial Emissions Directive lays down rules designed to prevent  and reduce harmful industrial emissions into air, water, and land, as  well as prevent the generation of waste,” the EC wrote in a statement.

According to the EC, several provisions of the directive, including some key rules on the conditions of integrated permits and permits for incineration and co-incineration plants, regulations on emission limit values, as well as Environmental Quality Standards have not been transposed correctly into Polish law.

In addition, the European Commission believes that the rules on public information and access to justice have not been properly incorporated into national law, which „hinders public participation in the decision-making process as regards industrial emissionss”.

Poland now has two months to respond and address the shortcomings identified by the Commission.

Onet.pl/Jacek Perzyński