Poland and Japanese companies talking about nuclear power


A Japanese-Polish seminar dedicated to nuclear energy will be an opportunity for talks between the Ministry of Energy and Japanese companies, who could build a Polish nuclear power plant after winning the tender.

Lessons from Fukushima

On the 13th of November in Hotel Marriott, a seminar dedicated to lessons learned from the Fukushima catastrophe will take place. The ambassador of Japan, representatives of Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and JAIF (its institution for international cooperation) – will convince the Poles that nuclear technologies are safe.

Talks with Japanese companies. Consultations with the British

Talks with Hitachi GE and Mitsubishi will be held on the fringe of the seminar. Japanese companies are to exchange information with the Ministry of Energy. The meeting will have a special context of upcoming technologic tender, which, according to Ministry’s declarations, is going to be started at the beginning of 2018.

Is there a place for nuclear energy?

The plenipotentiary of the Polish government for energy infrastructure informed that the first nuclear power plant in Poland could be built on the beginning of the next decade. – This could be the year 2030-2031 – said in the interview for Polish Radio. – The date of energy strategy announcement is delayed because of parallel words, on capacity market amongst others. The strategy depends on it. There will be a place for nuclear power – ensured minister Naimski in an interview for BiznesAlert.pl.

Wojciech Jakóbik