Polish Briefing: The governments of Poland and Lithuania talk about joint energy projects


What goes on in Poland on the 18th of September.

The governments of Poland and Lithuania talk about joint energy projects

A joint meeting of the Polish and Lithuanian governments took place. As Minister Kurtyka emphasized, energy policy remains a very important element of bilateral Polish-Lithuanian relations.

– We are glad that the Baltic states and Lithuania are so determined to successfully complete the process of synchronizing power systems. Poland fully supports these efforts. The finalization of this project and the construction of Harmony Link will significantly increase the region’s energy security by reducing our dependence on third countries. It is necessary to discontinue cross-border transmission capacity after the synchronization process is completed, which has already been agreed by Poland, the Baltic States and the European Commission in the political synchronization implementation schedule included in June 2019. Thanks to the efforts and determination of Minister Vaičiūnas, the implementation of the roadmap and the reconstruction of cross-border transmission capacities is closer than ever – said Minister of Climate Michał Kurtyka.

The head of the climate ministry also noted that Poland shares the Commission’s position that the European Green Deal is one of the pillars of the EU’s strategy to exit the COVID-19 crisis. – There are, however, different starting points for the Member States. Therefore, adequate support from the European Union is essential on the path to achieving climate neutrality. We are counting on cooperation with Lithuania in the field of European climate law. Our priority is to maintain the role of the European Council in setting the milestones of the EU’s climate policy, he noted.