A small stabilization before the election


The energy minister repulsed the attacks and is ready for local government elections. The next confusion is being prepared before the elections to the European Parliament – says Wojciech Jakóbik, editor-in-chief of BiznesAlert.pl.

The unsinkable minister

Contrary to the suggestions of the media, Krzysztof Tchórzewski did not resign. He received a signal of support of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on the occasion of announcing the plan for accelerated gasification of Poland. Thanks to this, the Ministry may continue talks with the European Commission on rising energy prices. The resort suspects unfair speculation and is scheduled to intervene in Brussels on 15 October. It became the subject of a political dispute before the local government elections, and the government announced that it was considering a reduction for households.

Although Jadwiga Emilewicz’s Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology sought relief from the energy-intensive industry, the household support plan, which the Rzeczpospolita has already informed about under the slogan „Energy plus”, may prevail before the elections. There is still a week to vote scheduled for October 21, so the groundbreaking declarations in this matter can be made during the Nationwide Economic Summit 2018 in Siedlce, where Karol Tchórzewski, the son of the minister, takes over the post of president of the city. Everything indicates that he will win the election and the minister will keep the position.

Next elections ahead

However, changes may not take place due to party fights, but to staff changes caused by the high attractiveness of the European Parliament. Equally unsinkable, as Minister Tchórzewski, his deputy – Grzegorz Tobiszowski, is considering starting the elections to the European parliamentary chamber scheduled for May next year. If he wins and goes to Brussels, the minister responsible for maintaining the dialogue on the mining reform with a social party that will be difficult to replace will disappear from the ministry.

Small stabilization

It promises to be a period of a small stabilization following the local government elections. The increase in electricity prices for households can compensate for the system of discounts. The government argues that it is not yet decided, because – according to the Prime Minister – the Energy Regulatory Office does not plan any increases for this sector for 2019. Will it be this way? Surely a positive signal will calm down voters before the elections. The government will take care of their electricity bills and the industry will have to deal with it.