Polish Briefing: The Ministry of Climate is concerned about the EC’s proposal to raise the emission reduction target


What goes on in Poland on the 17th of September.

The Ministry of Climate is concerned about the EC’s proposal to raise the emission reduction target

The Ministry of Climate is concerned about the European Commission’s proposal to increase the emission reduction target by 2030 „to at least 55 percent”. The ministry emphasizes that no measures to implement it have been presented. – During her speech, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, did not justify this particular value – the ministry says.

The Ministry of Climate reports that the effects of such action on the economies and societies of individual Member States are known. – Based only on the previous experience and analyzes (including those presented by the European Commission), we can assume with a high degree of certainty that the burden will not be distributed evenly among all countries, but will be greater for countries with higher emissions, such as Poland – we read in the ministry’s position.

According to the Ministry of Climate led by Michał Kurtyka, the speech of President von der Leyen lacked any references to a specific action plan and the required support. – No information was provided on how the EU would achieve the above objective and what specific tools, apart from the Just Transition Mechanism, to use. The Just Transition Mechanism is not a sufficient tool to bring about such a fundamental transformation of economies in the EU. One idea is to revise the Emissions Trading System (ETS), but it is a mechanism that would require significant reform if the target was increased. We support the postulate of increasing energy efficiency and increasing the share of renewable energy, but these changes will not lead to the achievement of the increased goal – we read in the release.