Polish Briefing: Poland needs a secure supply of climate-neutral energy, says Duda | Poland and Estonia to discuss energy issues


What goes on in Poland on the 4th of May.

Duda: Poland needs a secure supply of climate-neutral energy

„Today, the energy sector requires a profound transition. We need a stable supply of modern energy, from safe, climate-neutral sources. This is the only path we can follow today,” the Polish President Andrzej Duda said.

„President Andrzej Duda spoke to TVP Info about the process of closing mines and transforming Poland’s energy sector. „It is a consistent, calm, planned activity that will take place in a controlled manner. First, people will retire. Secondly, at the same time we will educate new, young staff to adapt them to the modern economy and we will go in this direction,” he explained.

According to the president, coal should be protected and kept as Poland’s national good. „We need a stable, permanent supply of modern energy, from sources that will also be safe and climate-neutral. This seems to be the only path we can follow today,” he admitted.

The presidents of Estonia and Poland will talk about the Three Seas Initiative and the European Green Deal with Orlen in the background

The Polish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce is organizing the Pol-Est Green Bridge conference on May 4th under the patronage of Orlen Eesti. It will be an opportunity to discuss the prospects for cooperation between Poland and Estonia within the European Green Deal with the participation of the presidents of both countries.

Andrzej Duda and Kersti Kaljulaid will meet at the first panel of the conference. Then there will be panels with the participation of business representatives, start-ups and other entities, such as SunRoof Polska, Ecoway Supply, EyeVi Technologies or Timbeter. Energy and fuel companies including Enefit, Eesti Gaas and PKN Orlen will also participate.

Poland and Estonia are already cooperating as part of the Three Seas Initiative, which involves, inter alia, integration of the electricity and gas sectors. The President of Estonia hosted the previous summit in Tallinn, during which she proposed an initiative to digitize and increase the number of connections between the countries of this group. The member states of the Three Seas Initiative are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary