Up to 10 GW from offshore wind farms on the shores of Poland. PSE is already preparing the network


PSE is preparing the network on the Baltic Sea that will allow the use of wind farms. This is an opportunity for cooperation of Poland and Denmark, that the Polish government counts on.

Piotr Naimski took part in the Ensuring Security of Supply and Green Energy Transition conference, the government plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure.

– Poland and Denmark are neighbors. Poland and the Baltic States are neighbors of Scandinavia. Cooperation among the Baltic Sea countries is an open perspective. We can have good and fruitful cooperation in many sectors and energy is one of the examples. We need to build step by step the competences, understanding and spirit between our countries.

– We are close to completing the Baltic Pipe project. 2022 is not far away. The cooperation at wind farms mentioned here on the Baltic Sea is an open opportunity for Polish companies. We have a place for offshore in our strategic plans in the coming two decades. This means that by 2025-30 there will be a place for 10 GW wind farms close to the Polish coast. Our transmission network operator is working on a possible transmission network at sea near Poland, which will be able to connect all interested parties in the Baltic Sea. We need such a network. The Danes are interested, the Swedes too. Why not do it? – Naimski wondered.

– The best protection is gas supply. Therefore, for the development of renewable energy in Poland, it is crucial to ensure reliable gas supplies. We are close to acquiring this source. This stands behind the expansion projects of the LNG terminal and the Baltic Pipe. We want to build a series of gas blocks. We will not switch to gas, we will remain coal-based. But in 2040, energy production in Poland will be 50 percent based on coal. Now it’s 80 percent. We started, however, from 99 percent of coal twenty-five years ago. So we have a reduction target of 30 percent, but the coal will stay in Poland and we will use it in the most effective way – he declared.

– We want to have a new industry sector in Poland. That is why we are interested in the latest technologies of batteries and other components of electrified transport. It is a great niche for cooperation. COP24 climate summit will focus on energy efficiency and electromobility – said Naimski.