Polish Briefing: „Without EU support, energy companies will go bankrupt, not green” – says PGE


What goes on in Poland on the 27th of April.

PGE: Without EU’s support, companies based on fossil fuels will go bankrupt

PGE, Poland’s largest energy sector company, released its statement on the planned EU climate law.

– The total carbon cost for the entire Polish energy sector in the 55 percent emissions reduction scenario by 2030 will be EUR 68.5 billion. That cost would consume capital required for the new investments needed to replace old coal-fired units. Instead of turning green there is a risk companies with a high share of fossil fuel-based generation fleet will turn bankrupt if insufficient EU support is provided – this should not be the outcome of the new Climate Law – says PGE in a press release.

– The net-zero emissions economy by 2050 requires significant investment effort, estimated at EUR 179-206 billion for the power sector in Poland. Potential social and overall economic impact of the climate neutrality largely exceeds that cost. The most vulnerable regions and sectors should not be left alone in facing this enormous challenge. The proposed Regulation establishing the framework for achieving climate neutrality (“European Climate Law proposal”) falls short of providing any substantial details regarding the EU’s plans to share the investment burden across the continent in line with the principle of solidarity. The biggest concern stems from the proposals to radically increase the 2030 target being a dayto-day change for the power sector – reads the press release.

Solidarity: Coal extracted in Poland meets the standards. We don’t have to import it

Solidarity appeals to the prime minister for support for Polish mining. The trade union’s representatives fear that the industry is in danger of collapse. – Today our industry needs help, otherwise it will fail – the trade unionists write in a letter to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. – We appeal to the government for immediate help. It is our union’s duty to protect the jobs and decent wages of mine workers. We demand the fair treatment of mining, which a few years ago agreed to sell gas at a low price so that energy prices would not have to be raised. Today our industry needs help, otherwise it will collapse – we read in a press release.

The US government will support the expansion of the nuclear abroad. A chance for Poland

US energy secretary Dan Brouilette announced a strategy to restore US leadership in nuclear energy. The US government is to support the export of nuclear technologies, which counts, among others Poland. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette announced the strategy of the Working Group on Nuclear Fuel to restore American Nuclear Energy Leadership, which is a direct result of the work of an American group of experts appointed by US President Donald Trump on July 12, 2019. The US nuclear technology export plan may be important for the implementation of the Polish Nuclear Power Program. Poland declares that it wants to build 6-9 GW of nuclear energy by 2040, but has still not chosen a technological partner. Authorities in Warsaw suggest that it can be Americans.