Polish Briefing: „The development of RES will be evolutionary”


What goes on in Poland on the 16th of January.

Tobiszowski: There are no plans to eliminate onshore.  The development of renewable energy will be evolutionary

-We need to take care of the climate and the environment. This is indisputable.  However, we must do so in responsible and evolutionary way. According to the climate and energy policy, the expenditure on transformation will be very high. We must remember from what level we start. What should guide us is a just transformation. It will allow us to branch off from coal from 76 to 60 percent in 2030. – said Deputy Minister of Energy Grzegorz Tobiszowski during the panel on the renewable energy market in Poland at the European Economic Congress.

He reminded that in January, in line with the expectations of the European Commission, the Ministry of Energy prepared the National Plan for Energy and Climate. – Together with the energy strategy until 2040, these two documents are compatible with each other. I am glad that there have been so many votes during public consultations. This shows the importance of this document. These plans will enhance the energy mix. The share of renewable energy in 2030 is to amount to 21 percent. The pace of RES development will accelerate after 2025. Then, thanks to the technologies, it will allow for a growth of RES, safe for the energy system, at a safe, economical level. We anticipate that offshore wind farms may appear in 2025. In 2040, from the wind at sea, it is to be 10 GW in accordance with PEP, which is to give 41 TWh. The power utilization rate may exceed 45 percent. The rate of energy storage may appear in 2030 – he mentioned.

Until then, local sources of renewable energy should be developed using current sources. He added that the number of micro installations is also growing significantly. – In 2016, it was 16 thousand, and in 2018 it was 54 thousand. This is a result that is rare in Europe. We have support systems, like that created by PKO Bank. He added that the atom after 2030 will also be important. – We plan the development of this source in 2033, or in 2036 at the latest – he stressed. 

– We want to continue to develop the onshore. This requires analyzes of the effectiveness of wind turbines and the level of acceptance by local communities. We are in dialogue with these communities and the industry. We have managed to achieve a certain consensus, which may help to change the law in the future. – There are no plans to eliminated onshore. Nobody in the Ministry of Energy wants to eliminated it – emphasized the guest of the European Economic Congress in Katowice.