Polish Briefing: Solar power is getting stronger, reaching 2,1 GW


What goes on in Poland on the 13th of August.

Solar power is getting stronger, reaching 2,1 GW

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (PSE) announced that, as of July 1, 2020, 2108,9 MW of solar power might be installed in the National Power System.

PSE indicates that this is an increase of 175,14 percent year on year and by 7,98 percent in the period from June to July 2020.

The main current support instrument for purchasing solar photovoltaic installations is the Mój Prąd program. During the non-compliant version of the program, the total number of submitted statements (in paper and general form) was 73,000 and included projects with a total capacity of over 400 MW. The Polish Economic Institute uses that almost 1/3 of installed capacity generated with the support of this program.