Polish Briefing: Thermal modernization in cities from the WHO black list is taking off


What goes on in Poland on the 12th of February.

Thermal modernization in cities from the WHO black list is taking off

From 11 February, regulations will enter into force that will enable the pilot program of thermo-modernization of single-family residential buildings and the exchange of high-emission heat sources. Its budget by 2024 will amount to approx. PLN 1,2 billion, according to the Ministry of Enterprise and Technology.

Who will be covered by the program?

First, the support will be directed to towns below 100 000 residents, including those placed by the World Health Organization in 2016 and in 2018 on the list of European cities with the most polluted air. However, applications for co-financing will be able to be submitted by all municipalities that face the problem of smog caused by emissions from obsolete heating devices in single-family buildings. In the case of cities over 100 000 inhabitants, details of recovery plans will be agreed together with the city authorities in cooperation with local non-governmental organizations dealing with the issue of air quality.

How much support will be provided?

Co-financing will be covered by the so-called Low-emission projects, ie the exchange of high-emission heating sources for devices that meet emission standards, or connection to a heating or gas network, with simultaneous thermo-modernization of the building. These investments will be able to be financed up to 100 percent.

Cooperation between government and local governments

The implementation of the pilot program will require close cooperation between the government and local governments. Municipalities that will act as investors will identify households affected by the energy poverty problem, plan and prepare investment activities as part of low-emission projects and estimate their cost. The minister responsible for economy – currently the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology – on the basis of the application for co-financing submitted by the municipality, will decide on assistance. After positive evaluation of the application, the commune and the ministry will be able to sign an agreement in which the scope and characteristics of low-emission enterprises will be defined. This will be the basis for co-financing. Subsidies will be paid directly to municipalities – we read in the ministry’s statement.