Polish Briefing: There is still no decision on the Poland-Ukraine gas pipeline


What goes on in Poland on the 28th of September.

There is still no decision on the Poland-Ukraine gas pipeline

Gaz-System is the first operator in Europe that in 2013 provided physical gas supplies from Europe to Ukraine. Now it is considering the construction of the Poland-Ukraine gas pipeline, but the sides have not yet taken a decision in this matter.

Open season

– This year, we conducted a non-binding survey on the transmission service – said Piotr Kuś, deputy director of the Gaz-System gas transmission operator development department, on the Poland-Ukraine gas pipeline.

The non-binding procedure for examining the market interest in capacity between Ukraine and Poland was carried out by Ukrtransgaz and Gaz-System. The Polish operator states that the purpose of the procedure was to enable the market to explore the capacity on the Polish-Ukrainian border in both directions of flow. The results of the procedure will now be analyzed and included by both Transmission System Operators in future work on increasing transmission capacity on the Polish-Ukrainian border.

From April 6 to June 8, 2018, market participants had the opportunity to participate in a non-binding procedure to examine the market’s interest in capacity on the Polish-Ukrainian border in both directions of the flow.

The Poland-Ukraine gas pipeline is waiting for a decision

– We see a lot of interest in gas exports in the long run. We are waiting for a decision on whether we are going through a binding phase – said Piotr Kuś.

Gaz-System informs that the planned gas connection between Poland and Ukraine assumes the construction of a new gas pipeline between Hermanowice nodes on the territory of Poland and Bliche Volytsia – Granica on the territory of Ukraine. The total length of the gas pipeline is approximately 112 km.

For the proper functioning of the interconnector it will be necessary to build a Strachocina compressor station, as well as gas pipelines: Hermanowice – Strachocina, Strachocina – Pogórska Wola, Pogórska Wola – Creations and Tworóg – Creations. The completion of the project is planned for 2020 – reports Gaz-System.