Polish Briefing: Poland and the US talk about oil supplies to Belarus


What goes on in Poland on the 27th of February.

Poland and the US talk about oil supplies to Belarus

The Polish delegation visited the USA to talk about, among others, oil supplies from Poland to Belarus. The Americans suggested that they could be completely independent of Russian raw material.

– We are interested in providing Belarus with oil supplies, if necessary and possible – said government plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski during a visit to Washington. – It must start from the moment when Belarusians buy oil, which they want to deliver to their refineries. Then we can initially supply small amounts of oil through our transmission system, and over time much larger ones – said Naimski.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggested in Minsk that Americans could secure a hundred percent oil supply to Belarus. He did it despite the fact that Russian oil, to which the Belarusian refineries are adapted, has a different chemical composition than the American one. Belarusians admit that they are interested in diversification, but at the same time they are negotiating the conditions for restoring supplies from Russian state-owned companies that were stopped in the New Year.