Poland warns about a price shock because of Fit for 55 | How dare you close nuclear power plants?


What goes in Poland on 19th of July?

Fit for 55 and a price shock

„In countries that still dependent on coal, undergoing a green transition, such as ensuring just transition in ETS requires a bigger Modernisation Fund that enables moving away from coal in a reliable and predictable way,” argued Wanda Buk from Polska Grupa Energetyczna, the biggest energy utility in Poland during the ERCTS roundtable on the Fit for 55 climate regulations package coming from European Commission.

„The costs of achieving the new climate targets for Polish households will be enormous. This is because to achieve those targets we need investments in all sectors of the economy  and someone has to pay for them. We can only alleviate these extra costs for households through an appropriate increase of the Modernisation Fund. This why we need to ask – is the proposed 2.5 percent increase of the Modernisation Fund of the overall cap of allowances from the year after the entry into force of the revised directive sufficient? And what will happen after 2030 when there will be fewer allowances?” Buk asked.

FOTA4CLIMATE invites Greta Thunberg for pro-nuclear protest

Environmental activists from FOTA4CLIMATE invited the well known Greta Thunberg to a protest against the closing of nuclear power plants in Germany. „How dare you close down nuclear power plants?,” the organizers ask.

The activists will visit the Grohnde Nuclear Power Plant in Germany which is to be closed down. According to FOTA4CLIMATE, this decision is wrong in the face of the imminent climate crisis. „Nuclear energy is a low-emission and secure energy source, and because of a long life span it is a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” they state.

FOTA4CLIMATE is a non-governmental organization from Poland.

Wojciech Jakóbik