Polish Briefing: Agrounia wants maximum margins on energy and food | Poland imports coal from outside Russia


What goes on in Poland on the 19th of July.

Agrounia wants maximum margins on energy and food

Agrounia wants to introduce maximum margins on electricity and some food products. In an interview with Onet.pl, its leader Michał Kołodziejczak mentioned postulates like freezing the salaries of politicians.

Agrounia is a socio-political movement which mainly brings together farmers. It was created by Michał Kołodziejczak, who believes that Poland is not prepared for the crisis. In his opinion, there are many factors that prove it. – Agrounia is in favor of temporarily establishing maximum margins for electricity or certain food products. In addition, we call for the suspension of fertilizer exports from Poland. We are also in favor of launching a one-percent credit line for the construction of biogas plants in villages – emphasized the president of Agrounia, Michał Kołodziejczak in an interview with Onet.pl.

– We also want the salaries of politicians, including the president of the NBP (National Bank of Poland – ed.), to be frozen during the crisis. He does not have to earn over a million zlotys now, half is enough for him. And we would invest the rest of his salary in energy production – added Kołodziejczak.

Poland imports coal from outside Russia

According to Portal Morski, Polish ports are expecting 12 coal-carrying ships from around the world in the near future. Previous loads have reached Poland from countries such as Australia, Indonesia, South Africa, Mozambique, the USA, Canada, Colombia and the Netherlands.