Polish Briefing: Baltic Pipe has all agreements for intersection with other infrastructure | Three Seas infrastructure needs EUR 132 bln of investment


What goes on in Poland on the 20th of May.

Gaz-System has all agreements on the intersection of the Baltic Pipe with other infrastructure

Two or three units will lay the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline, Gaz-System reported in a statement by the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

The gas pipeline between Denmark and Poland will be laid by the ships Castorone, Castoro 6 and Castoro 10, owned by Italy’s Saipem. One or two of them will be working at any given time.

„Castoro 10 will lay a gas pipeline in the Danish coastal zone. Castoro 6 will be responsible for the remaining larger fragments in the Danish marine areas and in marine areas in Poland. Castorone, on the other hand, will lay the gas pipeline in deeper waters, mainly in Sweden, but in some places also in the Polish and Danish area. The laying of the offshore gas pipeline will start in the summer,” Gaz-System stated.

The company emphasized that at the design stage of the gas pipeline not only most of the obstacles, such as wrecks or boulders, were identified, but also their presence was taken into account when calculating the final route. What’s more, as the operator emphasized, the passability of the installation corridor is monitored at every stage of the construction. Thanks to this, it is possible to remove any objects or – in the case of larger obstacles – to correct the gas pipeline route.

BGK: The Three Seas infrastructure needs EUR 600 billion

„EUR 600 billion is the amount that should be invested by 2030 in the infrastructure of the Three Seas Initiative (TSI) members in order to even out the differences between Central and Eastern Europe and Western Europe,” –Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, president of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) and chairman of the supervisory board of the Three Seas Fund says during the conference ” Capital for Infrastructure ”organized by the Bulgarian Development Bank in Sofia.

BGK has informed that the participants of the conference agreed that the necessity to meet the infrastructural needs of the Three Seas Initiative creates an excellent opportunity for investors and for the economic development of the region. „Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, who inaugurated the meeting, said that infrastructure investments are a great opportunity for socio-economic development and improving connections between individual countries in the Three Seas region, i.e. 12 countries located between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic Sea,” the Bank’s website said.

– The Three Seas region has enormous economic potential. The total value of trade turnover of all countries in the region is over EUR 225 billion. The Three Seas generates about 20 percent of the GDP of the entire EU community. The area of the Three Seas Initiative, with an area of 1,2 million km2, is inhabited by 111 million people, or about 1/4 of the population of the entire EU. We must not only catch up with the countries of Western Europe, but also keep up with them and constantly remind investors from around the world how attractive and at the same time unique the Three Seas region is with its high economic growth and high resistance to crises – emphasized Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, president of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego .