Polish Briefing: Beer company reduces emissions I Poland’s PV boom thanks to GOV program I KGHM partners up with Samsung

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Tyskie, Lech and Żubr beers producer reduces GHG emissions

Kompania Piwowarska has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 11 percent in 2022 compared to 2019. The company’s portfolio includes popular beers such as Tyskie, Lech and Żubr.

Kompania Piwowarska, the company that manages three breweries (Lech Browary Wielkopolskie in Poznań, Browar Książęcy in Tychy and Dojlidy in Białystok), has reduced greenhouse gas emissions in 2022. Compared to 2019, the GHG emissions dropped by 11 percent. This was possible thanks to using electricity produced from renewable sources.

„In 2022, the company reduced emissions from breweries by another 5 percent, or a total of 67 percent from 2019, and sold 41 percent of beers in reusable packaging,” KP said. It also used 2.72 liters of water to brew one liter of beer. One of the company’s most important long-term commitments is to reduce its carbon footprint across the value chain by 30 percent. This target pertains to emissions related to used packaging, logistics, cooling the beer, and sourcing products for production, such as barley and hops. These activities are the company’s contribution to the UN 2030 Agenda. The goal is to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the value chain by 2050, i.e. to eliminate negative impacts on the climate,” a company report quoted by ISBnews said.

The company notes that its sales structure is dominated by packaging with a significantly lower environmental impact-cans and reusable glass bottles, which together account for 91 percent of the company’s sales. According to the report, in 2022, the company sold 41 percent of beers in reusable packaging, which resulted in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions many times higher than other types of beer packaging. The second dominant group of packaging is aluminum cans, made of half recycled material.

Kompania Piwowarska is the leader on the Polish beer market. Its portfolio includes Tyskie, Żubr, Lech, Dębowe Mocne and Redd’s beers.

ISBnews / Jedrzej Stachura

Poland’s green energy output up thanks to government program

„Mój prąd” (My Current – a state-sponsored green energy program – ed.) has contributed to, among others, a PV boom in Poland. It is one of the flagship programs of the Climate Ministry in the field of green transformation in Poland. As part of the scheme, owners of single-family homes in Poland can receive money for buying a RES installation.

The fifth edition of the program is currently underway. Applications are open from 22 April to 22 December or until funds are exhausted.

In total, electricity production from RES increased by 23.5 percent from 30.6 TWh to 37.7 TWh in 2021-2022. According to ENTSO-E, in the summer of 2023, new Polish solar and wind capacity will reach 723 MW – the highest increase in the energy community after the Netherlands. Poland will account for 97% of new capacity installed in solar and 25% in wind in the EU in the summer of 2023.

The „My current” program is one of the largest funding programs in Europe for 2-10 kW photovoltaic micro-installations for individuals who generate electricity for their own needs. The program started in July 2019 and became a strong impetus for the development of prosumer energy. Its main goal is to increase in our country the production of electricity from photovoltaic micro-installations.

The Program „My Current” turned out to be a huge success. By mid-July 2023, more than 413,000 funding applications have been paid out to the tune of PLN 1.75 bn in total. At the same time, thanks to the program, Poland reduced CO2 emissions by nearly 2 billion kg per year.

Polish Radio / Jacek Perzyński

KGHM and Samsung team up to implement SMRs and RES

„KGHM has signed an agreement with Samsung to cooperate on the deployment of low and zero emission technologies,” KGHM said in a press release. The companies announced cooperation in the field of RES, SMR, production and use of hydrogen and carbon capture and storage technologies.

„We assume that half of the energy consumed by KGHM will come from our own production, including renewables. Already, our combined cycle power plants provide nearly 20 percent of our demand. In addition, we are developing renewable energy projects, planning the construction of an SMR and exploring the possibilities of tapping into other technologies, including hydrogen. We hope that the experience and financial potential that Samsung brings will strengthen our efforts to implement technologies related to the energy transition and zero emissions, ” KGHM CEO Tomasz Zdzikot said in a press release.

„There are many areas in which we are considering cooperation – not only in Poland, but also on other continents: from renewable energy, decarbonization, through construction, to development,” added JW Kim,VP of Samsung C&T.

KGHM and Samsung plan to establish a dedicated working group consisting of representatives of both companies to exchange information and conduct analytical work in selected project areas.

Samsung is a minority shareholder of NuScale Power, LLC, an American provider of small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) technology, with which KGHM signed a preliminary contract on February 14, 2022.

KGHM / Jacek Perzyński