Polish Briefing: Central and Eastern Europe can be a transport gate for China


What goes on in Poland on the 26th of October.

Ministry of Energy repeats: There will be no fuel merge

Ministry of Energy is not currently leading talks on an optional merge of Lotos and PKN Orlen – informed minister of energy Krzysztof Tobiszowski.

– I do not know whether there are any works in the ministry going on in this case. Several analyses had earlier been done. Situation in economy happens to be dynamic, so I believe that certain solution should be kept in mind – said Tobiszowski.

– I think that since we have worked out the issue of energy mix, we will be ready to sort other things out – he added.

Vice-minister of infrastructure and construction Kazimierz Smoliński said that a merge PKN Orlen and Lotos is inevitable. – This issue comes back every now and again, but as a deputy from the region, I am against the merge – said Smoliński.

Szydło: Central and Eastern Europe can be a transport gate for China

Transport is a promising field of cooperation between Poland, whole Central and Eastern Europe and China – said prime minister Szydło at the opening of the 2nd 16+1 meeting gathering Central and Eastern European and Chinese ministers of transport.

– We want to develop mutually profitable cooperation for the good of our countries and the people, also in sea harbors development and waterways – pointed Szydło.

– Harbour infrastructure in our region can be an interesting alternative for Western European harbors – she stressed.

She said that in Poland’s case, „it is a crucial issue to repair negligences in development of North-South transport corridor”. – We are executing an ambitious program of development and modernization of railway net, on which we want to spend €16 billion up to 2023 – she stressed.