Polish Briefing: COP24 is a chance for Poland. The capacity market will stabilize RES


What goes on in Poland on the 15th of May.

Energy as health. The capacity market will stabilize RES

According to the minister of energy, one should invest in energy like in the healthcare system. The capacity market support is to guarantee a stable energy transformation in Poland.

– We must be sure that the light in this room will not go out, or the problem will be quickly removed – said Minister of Energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski at the European Economic Congress in Katowice. In this way, he referred to the priorities of Poland’s energy policy, among which, according to the minister security is the most basic one.

– We face a big challenge. Like every fight for health, ours is expensive. If we say that the budget for health must be large, because we are a well-developed country to fight for a man to enjoy the world as long as possible, then the fight against emissions and smog has its costs too – said the minister. In his opinion, the economy must bear the costs of removing the generation gap caused by energy transition.

– Hence our gratitude to the European Commission for notifying the capacity market. We will be able to incorporate conventional sources when RES can not produce energy. Thanks to this, the opportunity to invest and build a wider range of renewable energy sources opens up in Poland. We solve the problem of reserve through the capacity market – said the politician.
He also referred to allegations of lack of sympathy of his department for RES. – That is not true – he said. – It’s like a sanatorium. Some can afford the choice of the best resort, while others can not. We also want to use RES, but to the extent that we can afford – he argued.

Kurtyka: COP 24 is a chance for Poland. Our attitude is constructive

Minister Michał Kurtyka, a government plenipotentiary for the COP24 climate summit (which is to take place in autumn in Katowice) appeared at the European Economic Congress of 2018.

– I noticed a very large community of views in which states do not diverge, but recognize the common need to take action – Kurtyka said. – The fact that Katowice will host the COP conference for the third time and will be the next COP after Paris, which will take place in the European Union, will be a chance for Poland to show itself in the world. It is also a chance to achieve a global consensus.

– The subject of discussion in the European Union is the manner of achieving goals by 2030. The position of Poland is constructive. In the vote on the ETS directive (European Emissions Trading System – editor’s note) we have adopted a neutral position, but when it comes to renewable energy or the winter package, we voted for it. We are able to find a path in which we are able to agree – Kurtyka declared.

He was asked if there is a risk that Poland will not achieve its climate policy goals by 2020 with the goal of RES participation in the energy mix at 15 percent. – I hope not. We are voting on the RES Act in the Sejm. We know that something needs to be done. We will strive to meet these obligations. 2020 is in a while, but it should be viewed in the perspective of the next trajectory, that is 2030 – he added.

– Climate policy affects a much wider range of problems. Refers to emissions and removals from soils, agriculture, but also transport and buildings. We have a much wider scope for action – the minister said. – We were able to find constructive solutions in the energy sector, I will now participate in environmental discussions – he concluded.