Polish Briefing: Denmark won the war of nerves in case of Nord Stream 2. Russia is considering changing the route


What goes on in Poland on the 5th of September.

Ukrainian gas warehouses attract foreign companies. Indexes best for years

Instead of constant depreciation of Ukraine as a transit state by Russia and questioning the state of repair of Ukraine’s infrastructure, Kiev is attracting foreign partners to its gas sector and the recourse’s volume has been the highest for years.

Engie and SOCAR Ukraine were the first companies that started pumping gas to underground warehouses in a course of bonded warehouse. Thanks to it, gas might be stored up to three years without paying customs duties and taxes. A Ukrainian Engie’s subsidiary received the recourse from its parent company. PKN Orlen provided SOCAR Ukraine with oil.

– It will be the first time that European gas will be stored in Ukraine in a licensed bonded warehouse – Ukrainian tax council informed.

Denmark won the war of nerves in case of Nord Stream 2. Russia is considering changing the route

In case of Denmark’s decision about blocking the construction of Nord Stream 2 within its territorial waters, the route of the pipeline might be changed – said Jens Mueller from Nord Stream 2 AG management.

Mueller estimated that in case of Denmark’s implacable statement in case of construction of Nord Stream 2, the route will be marked out through Denmark’s exclusive economic zone. – United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides for the right to install pipelines – said Mueller.

RusEnergy’s expert Mikhail Krutichin said that creating an alternate route will not affect the costs of Nord Stream 2 construction to a large extent. It might though cause a big delay. – Even if the changes will concern the Danish piece only, it will be a new job to be done – Kurichin noticed. In his opinion, all actions necessary for changing the route might take at least a year.

PGNiG will buy LNG from Norway

Norwegian company Statoil is a gas supplier in frames of a single spot delivery. „Arctic Discoverer” LNG carrier will arrive in Lech Kaczyński LNG Terminal in Świnoujście on the 9th of September. The delivery will be 140 000 m³ LNG big, what makes ok. 84 mln m³ of natural gas after regasification.

– PGNiG’s trade office in London, opened in February 2017 has reached its full operational capacity. Thanks to it we constantly observe LNG market and immediately make use of attractive offers. Thanks to spot deliveries we profitably refill our gas deliveries’ portfolio – said Piotr Woźniak, PGNiG SA CEO. – Norwegians are proven partners for us, not only when it comes to the cooperation in Norwegian Continental Shelf, but also LNG transactions – he added.

Norwegian delivery will be the next spot delivery from this country to Poland. Previous ones came from the USA and Qatar.