Polish Briefing: Diversifying away from Russian oil | 3 GW of renewable micro-installations

Prosumer microinstalations in Poland. Graphic: URE
Prosumer microinstalations in Poland. Graphic: URE

What goes in Poland on 16th of March?

Diversifying away from Russian oil

Polish PKN Orlen announced that is has lowered oil imports from Russian Rosneft just days after it signed a new deal with American Exxon Mobil.

Orlen is to decrease oil imports from Rosneft from 5.4-6.6 mln tonnes in two year deal that has ended in January 2021 to 3,6 mln tonnes in a new two year contract. Lately, Orlen announced that it has signed an oil deal with American Exxon Mobil for one year of supplies amounting to one mln tonnes.


3 GW of renewable micro-installations

Polish energy regulator URE announced that generation from renewable micro-instalations, mainy photovoltaics, in Poland reached 3 GW at the end of 2020.

98,5 percent of those installations are owned by prosumers, who introduced over 1,1 TWh of energy into Polish transmission system. There were about 149 thousands of prosumers in Poland in the end of 2019. In 2018 it was 51 thousands.


Wojciech Jakóbik