Polish Briefing: Energy at the Poland-Romania round table. Tenders for Rail Baltica on the way


What goes on in Poland on the 25th of April.

Energy at the Poland-Romania round table talks

Government Plenipotentiary for strategic energy infrastructure Piotr Naimski and chairman of the parliamentary energy and treasury committee Maciej Małecki visited Romania, where they talked about security in the region in a round table format.

Poland and Romania cooperate in the format of the so-called Bucharest Nine, ie nine NATO countries that want to strengthen the presence of the North Atlantic Alliance due to the growing activity of the Russian Federation. These countries warned against the Zapad-2018 maneuvers. During and after the NATO summit in Warsaw, they supported the initiative of strengthening the eastern flank of NATO through the intensified presence of allied troops in Central and Eastern Europe.

The presence of Naimski and Małecki at a discussion in Bucharest suggests that Poland and Romania will jointly address the subject of energy cooperation. Both countries reduce their dependence on gas supplies from Russia. Poland is developing routes of diversification of supplies from other directions, and Romania is exploiting existing deposits and looking for new ones. Both countries are developing interconnections with neighbors as part of EU policy.

More tenders for Rail Baltica on the way

As announced by the market-kolejowy.pl portal, supervising the construction of an international railway line, the RB Rail company and the Lithuanian and Estonian government are entering subsequent stages of the project. Tenders for Rail Baltica technical projects have been announced.

The first tender concerns the project and project supervision for the route from Tallinn to Rapli. Second – project and supervision for the section from the village of Remigoła to the Lithuanian-Latvian border. The tenders are supervised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication of Estonia and the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Lithuania.

The design work will concern three territories, on different sections. On the Estonian section there will be 10 bridges, 11 road viaducts, 6 railway viaducts, 4 ecoducts, 46 culverts and three passenger stations. On the Lithuanian section – three bridges, 14 road viaducts, 20 railway viaducts, 4 ecoducts, 87 culverts and two stations will be built.