Polish Briefing: Energy coordination centers for Central Europe | Preparations for Harmony Link construction


What goes in Poland on 2nd of March?

Energy coordination centers for Central Europe

Poland’s Energy Regulatory Office approved an application from the Polish energy system operator Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne to set up Regional Coordination Centers for Central Europe in Brussels and Munich.

The centers are to coordinate capacity allocation, conduct security analyses, secure capacity reserves, and manage other measures taken by regional operators together to further integrate energy markets and support nondiscriminatory treatment and effective competition.

The Regional Coordination Centers are to support state operators in joint works at the regional level according to European Parliament and Council 2019/943 regulation.

Preparations for Harmony Link

The Polish ILF Consulting Engineers Polska is supervising the seabed surveys necessary to start the laying of the HVDC cable Harmony Link, which is to connect Poland and Lithuania to support the synchronization process of the Baltic States.

The Baltic States are to be synchronized with the continental energy grid system through Poland by 2025 with the Harmony Link HVDC cable. Its construction is preceded by seabed surveys. ILF Polska is supervising those works, which involve an analysis of a 290 km-long underwater route, which started in February 2021. ILF Polska is to provide a report on the strategy of laying and securing the cable.

Wojciech Jakóbik