Polish Briefing: The European Parliament calls for abandoning the change of time


What goes on in Poland on the 12th of February

The European Parliament calls for abandoning the change of time

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for an assessment of the change in the time taken twice a year and, if necessary, for amending the rules.

The resolution was adopted with 384 votes in favor, 153 against and 12 abstentions.

The current directive on summer time arrangements, which entered into force in 2001, provides for a harmonized date and time of start and end of summer time throughout the EU in order to support the effective functioning of the internal market.

As we read in the resolution, numerous scientific studies, including the analysis of the European Parliament’s Office of Analyzes from October 2017 on changes in time in the EU, did not provide conclusive results, but showed the negative effects of these changes on human health. Therefore, the EP calls on the European Commission to carry out an evaluation of the directive regulating the change of time (2000/84 / EC) and, if necessary, to prepare proposals for its amendment. At the same time, the EP underlines that maintaining a unified time system in the EU is essential even after the abolition of the time change.

The new president of PKN Orlen talks to labour unions about wages

The first meeting of the new president of the company Daniela Obajtek with labour unions took place in PKN Orlen. It was established, among other things, that the wage negotiations initiated there earlier should be finalized by the end of February, as provided for in the Collective Labor Agreement (ZUZP).

The Thursday meeting with labour unionists of PKN Orlen, in addition to the president of Obajtek, was also attended by the new human resources director in the company – Wioletta Kandziak, who replaced Grażyna Baka in her post recently.

At the meeting, which was informative, the trade union members of the Płock concern maintained that the purpose of this year’s pay negotiations, which started in January, when Wojciech Jasiński was still the company’s president, should be an obligatory increase in wages.

Wage negotiations of the PKN Orlen management board and the associations of this largest fuel company in the country take place at the beginning of each year. According to the collective bargaining agreement there, the arrangements for the increase of remuneration for employees in a given year should be finalized always by the end of February, while in the absence of such agreement the employer issues its own regulation in March.