Polish Briefing: Financing model for Polish nuclear power to be released this year


What goes on in Poland on the 18th of October.

Persecuting coal will make Poland dependent on gas. 

Harsh EU climate and energy policy is a challenge for economies whose energy is based mainly on coal. Emissions limit included in the winter package arouse objection from Polish energy sector representatives.

– The most important issue is 550g CO2/kWh parameter, which is in terms of our business and energy security of Poland absolutely unacceptable. Some say that 550 parameter is good for climate. We believe it is not true. Major players in generation of electricity will be excluded from the market – said Tauron CEO Filip Grzegorczyk, who is at the same time a member of PKEE management board. In his opinion, 550g emission limit will make energy more expensive for final receivers.

– That will deepen the gas import dependence in Poland. This parameter is also dangerous in terms of security of supplies. This is why we do not understand this proposition as a good one. We consider that it has to be discussed once again – said the manager.

Financing model for Polish nuclear power to be released this year

Before the process of technology choice for nuclear power plant in Poland starts, ministry of energy wants to determine the financial model of the investment – „Rzeczpospolita” reports.

During a seminar on nuclear energy on Monday, Ministry of Energy’s head of nuclear energy department Józef Sobolewski announced that the procedure of chasing the energy supplier will have two stages and a short list of potential suppliers will be published next year, final decision will take place in 2019.

At the same time, according to Sobolewski’s information, the Ministry wants to determine the financial model of the investment. The model is to be forwarded to inter ministerial consultations in November, so it and actualized Polish Nuclear Energy Program (PPEJ) can be approved by the government by the end of the year.

Head of nuclear energy department pointed that capital costs are among the most important factors that determine costs of building a nuclear power plant. He said that when it is taken into consideration oscillates around € 100/MWh.

– If we treat capital costs as a part of state’s strategy, for example if the money owner counts in certain operational costs and inflation, but receives no revenues, it comes out to be much cheaper – said Sobolewski quoted by „Rzeczpospolita”.