Polish Briefing: First reading of Act on renewables this month. Coal methane is better than shale gas


What goes on in Poland on the 19th of October.

First reading of Act on renewables this month

During the 3rd Energy Congress in Wrocław a press conference on which minister of energy Krzysztof Tchórzewski answered journalists’ questions took place.

He refered to capacity market, lately accepted by the European Commission. – We have not signed any documents yet, but we have Commission’s understanding. First reading will be held next week and this is for sure. We still have to reach an agreement in interconnections and border energy exchange. The effects will be known next week.

He added that consumption coal for the population comes in half from import: – It comes mainly from Russia and last political events disturbed the transport, for example because of Zapad 17 exercises in Belarus. Now the situation is back in control.

There was also a question about renewable energy sources and ministry’s plans for next year’s auctions: – We are currently leading talks with the Commission, we want to have such an act on renewables that would fulfill our agreements with the European Commission. First reading of act on renewables will take place this month. I cannot reveal more details – he finished.

Woźniak: Coal methane is better than shale gas. Pilotage ends in Autumn

During the 3rd Energy Congress in Wrocław, PGNiG CEO Piotr Woźniak informed that pilotage on coalbed methane extraction will end in Autumn. He convinces that gas exploration this way is better than shale gas fracturing.

.- We are leading works on coalbed methane extraction. This is not only about extracting methane from coal mines only. We are experimenting by drilling decks of coal. We fracture the hole and mine methane from it – explained PGNiG’s CEO.

.- Pilotage stage finishes by the end of this month or at the beginning of November. The scores are promising and better than in case of shale gas. The score is 4 cubic meters a minute. This is less than in conventional deposits, but more than in shale deposits – said Piotr Woźniak, PGNiG’s CEO.