Polish Briefing: The government will distribute fuel quality certificates


What goes on in Poland on the 2nd of February.

Deputy minister for smog: The government will distribute fuel quality certificates

Center for Economic Ideas (CIGE) organized a debate entitled „Fighting smog – from a slogan to effects”. The panel was attended by a special guest, deputy minister of innovation and entrepreneurship, Piotr Woźny. He announced that the government will distribute fuel quality certificates as part of the fight against smog.

He was asked if the Polish government’s program is feasible. – It is important to arrange things on the timeline. An example of smog is a phenomenon that existed in Poland. It is worth reminding that for the first time the Supreme Audit Office dealt with this problem in 2000. Then two basic tools were indicated: emission standards for solid fuel boilers and solid fuel quality standards should be introduced – reminded Woźny. – I dare say that in the central media the problem appeared in January 2017, when we had two days of maximum smog exceedances in Warsaw. Smog from Cracow to Warsaw arrived in January 2017.

The European Commission for the revision of the gas directive

Last year, the European Commission approved a revision of the gas directive to subordinate the Nord Stream 2 project to the third energy package. Poland counted on such a solution. Now Gazprom comments the matter.

The OilCapital.ru portal quotes Aleksandr Medvedev’s, vice-president of Gazprom, who said that „Brussels is trying to block Nord Stream 2”. – We insist that EC’s decisions are in line with the interests of its citizens. Rusophobic slogans will not reduce energy bills. I am calling not to be deprive the economic environment with political ambitions – the manager thundered. The proposal to revise the gas directive, named in BiznesAlert.pl Lex Nord Stream 2, is to be discussed as part of a trialogue of the European institutions: the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament. At BiznesAlert.pl, you can read how the new law can affect the gas pipeline.