Polish Briefing: Greens for the blocking Nord Stream 2, but not Baltic Pipe


What goes on in Poland on the 19th of June.

PGNiG: LNG is cheaper than the Yamal contract

PGNiG SA Vice President Maciej Woźniak said that deliveries of liquefied gas to Poland are cheaper than the offer from the Yamal contract with Gazprom.

– None of the LNG contracts I signed recently was more expensive than the offer from Russia for Poland under the Yamal contract. Its low price is a myth, it is the most expensive offer on the market. We are fighting not only for security, but also competition on our market. Deliveries from Norway and LNG are cheaper and linked to prices in hubs, contrary to the Russian contract – said Woźniak.

Poland announced the abandonment of the Yamal contract, i.e. the PGNiG-Gazprom agreement of 1996, which it considers unprofitable. It is not known whether it will be replaced by a new contract with the Russians.

Greens for the blocking Nord Stream 2, but not Baltic Pipe

German Green Party politician Reinhard Butikofer explained why it is necessary to block the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, but not the Polish-Danish-Norwegian Baltic Pipe project.

– Any gas infrastructure can be criticized in the same way. However, if you look at the whole picture, the remaining arguments against Nord Stream 2 do not refer to the Polish alternative in the form of Baltic Pipe. It will serve to diversify gas supplies. It will not have negative security implications. It will not undermine solidarity or stability in Ukraine. It would not be rational to put an equal sign between these projects – he summed up in answer to the question BiznesAlert.pl.

– We believe that Poland’s resistance against Nord Stream 2 could be strengthened if arguments such as environmental protection and CO2 emissions were articulated louder – argued the politician on the same occasion. He also said that Nord Stream 2 could deprive Ukraine of a transit role. – If we join the efforts of Ukraine to modernize the infrastructure and combine our European forces, there will be an economic solution – he estimated. He warned that thanks to Nord Stream 2 it will be easier for Russia to press Ukraine without consequences in the West, which will be less exposed to the consequences of the interruption of supplies through the Ukrainian territory.