Polish Briefing: Hungary wants access to Polish LNG terminal


What goes on in Poland on the 5th of January.

Hungary wants access to Polish LNG terminal

– For Hungarians, a gas infrastructure that could provide access to Polish LNG terminal and non-Russian gas is a matter of life and death – said the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban in an interview for TVP Info.

– Hungarians and Slovaks have built their pipelines elements, I encourage the Polish government to build the Polish-Slovak inter connection. Then we will have such a corridor that would not include any Russian influences – said Orban.

At a press conference, Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that he and Victor Orban talked about energy issues, including building a Polish-Slovak inter connection that is, as he added, a lacking element of a pipeline connecting Poland and Hungary, and Baltic Pipe.

– We already have the LNG terminal in Świnoujście. We want to be a gas hub, but it needs much effort – said Morawiecki. He informed that the Three Seas Initiative, railway connection between Poland, Hungary and Serbia and Via Carpatia were among the topics that he talked about with Orban.

Baltic Pipe: Contracts for Polish onshore gas pipeline engineering designs have been signed

Gaz-System has signed contracts for the development of design documentation of the onshore transmission pipelines to be built under the Baltic Pipe project.

A consortium of companies PGNiG Gazoprojekt S.A. and ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z o.o. will develop the engineering designs for the pipeline connecting the landfall of the offshore line with the national gas transmission system and the receiving terminal, whereas the Goleniów-Lwówek pipeline will be designed by MGGP S.A.

The companies selected in the public procurement procedure are committed to obtain all the necessary arrangements, approvals, opinions, permits and decisions and submit a complete package of engineering design documents to the investor by the 1 Q 2020. Both companies will also provide the author’s supervision during the construction process.

The offshore pipeline will reach Polish coast of the Baltic Sea in the West Pomeranian Province. Depending on the finally selected route of the offshore pipeline, the transmission system will be 230 to 300 km long. Moreover, the project provides for the construction of a new gas compressor station in Gustorzyn, and the expansion of two compressor stations in Odolanów and Goleniów.

The investment projects described above are necessary for the functioning of the Polish transmission system handling increased volumes of natural gas obtained from diversified supply sources, expansion of the LNG Terminal in Świnoujście and the construction of the offshore gas pipeline between Denmark and Poland.