Polish Briefing: Lotos makes progress in diversification. COP24 at EU meeting in Bulgaria


What goes on in Poland on the 13th of April.

Grupa Lotos makes progress in diversification

The company reports that while in 2012 only ten percent of crude imported to Gdańsk came from a direction other than the east, in the first quarter of 2018 it was already nearly 40 percent.

This indicator has significantly increased in recent years. In 2013, it was also ten percent, six percent in 2014, then 23 percent in 2015, 25 percent in 2016 and 22 percent last year.

Last year, Lotos imported oil among others from the USA and Canada.

Grupa Lotos has been pursuing a policy aimed at diversifying sources of oil supplies for several years, ie increasing the number of sources of supply. This serves to equalize the market position of individual suppliers and to limit the pursuit of monopoly, which could be used to raise prices or for political purposes.

Oil companies diversify crude oil supplies thanks to the oil terminal in Gdansk.

Minister Kowalczyk talked about COP24 in Bulgaria

Henryk Kowalczyk, Minister of the Environment, and Sławomir Mazurek, Deputy Minister of the Environment, took part in an informal meeting of the Council of the European Union for the Environment (ENVI Council). The meeting took place in Sofia on 10-11 April 2018.

One of the topics of the Council was international climate negotiations. The year 2018 will be a breakthrough in this respect. During the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP24), which will take place in December this year in Katowice, the finalization of works on the implementation package for the Paris Agreement is planned. This is a prerequisite for this Agreement is to be implemented by the states – sides of the agreement.

During the Council, Minister Kowalczyk stressed that Poland – as the host of COP24 – would take all measures to ensure that the implementation package was adopted in Katowice.

– Poland, as the future presidency of the UN COP24 summit, declares close cooperation with the European Commission and EU Member States to ensure that the entire implementation package for the Paris Agreement is worked out – he said.