Polish Briefing: Lukashenko threatens to suspend supplies of raw materials via Poland | New offshore licenses are coming


What goes on in Poland on the 2nd of December.

Lukashenko threatens to suspend supplies of raw materials to Poland

In a TV interview Alexander Lukashenko once again threatened to interrupt the energy supply going through Belarus to the West.

„If Poles or some other people try to strangle me, do you think that I will be looking at some contracts or agreements? If Poles want to close the borders, let them close! We don’t have many interests in the EU. We focus on trading with Russia, China, and the rest of the Far East. But now what about the commodity going west through our territory?,” the Belarusian President was quoted by the BelTA Agency.

„They will not cross Ukraine, the border is closed there. They will not cross the Baltic states because there is no infrastructure there. How will they close the borders, how will they bring energy resources from Russia? Let them think about the consequences first. I’m not kidding,” Lukashenko concluded.

New offshore concessions are coming

The time for awarding new concessions for the construction of offshore wind farms in the Polish Baltic Sea is coming. The draft on the evaluation of applications in the adjudication proceedings has been submitted for signature by the Minister of Infrastructure.

The offshore wind farm industry has been waiting for the regulation on licenses for a long time. Thanks to the new law, it will be possible to issue new licenses for projects with a total capacity of approximately 6-7 GW.

The regulation specifies the criteria for assessing applications submitted in the adjudication procedure. Its purpose is to establish transparent and detailed criteria for assessing applications in the adjudication procedure. The draft also includes the regulation of the qualifying minimum and the method of determining the most important criterion for evaluating applications in the adjudication procedure. „The draft regulation will have a positive impact on the natural environment and regional development, because it will allow for a transparent selection of the most optimal project that can be implemented in a given body of water,” we read in the regulation impact assessment.