Polish Briefing: Minister Emilewicz will still be responsible for the Clean Air program


What goes on in Poland on the 17th of January.

Minister Emilewicz will still be responsible for the Clean Air program

According to the deal, realization of the Clean Air program remains in the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology – informed its head Jadwiga Emilewicz.

Emilewicz asked whether she would still be responsible for the problem of smog in Poland, she responded that „according to the deal with the prime minister Morawiecki, the Clean Air program, accepted by the government last year, will remain in the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology”.

She added that air quality can be improved by technology. She informed that the bill on quality of solid fuels will be considered during the upcoming seating of Permanent Committee of the Council of Ministers. She reminded that thanks to the project, burning slit, flotation concentrates, litter and coal wastes in boilers will be forbidden, and these are the reason of a horrible air quality in 33 dirties cities in Europe”.

Polish Smog Alert: Reeking cars should pay for entering city centers

Senate’s Commission for National Economy and Innovations will make a decision, whether reeking cars should pay for entering city centers excluded from the bill on electromobility, voted by the Sejm on 11th of January.

Polish Smog Alert (PAS) has sent an application to pass certain amendments for the bill on electromobility to the Speaker of the Senate Stanisław Karczewski. The most important of them is restoring a possibility for local communities to introduce fees for entering city centers for high emission cars. PAS suggests that the incomes from fees should be spent for zone service, improving public transport and building road infrastructure.

Amendments suggested by PAS would give local communities an elastic tool. The could regulate fees rates, depending on how much pollution each car emits, and excuse cars with relatively low emissions (Euro 5 and Euro 6)