Polish Briefing: Morawiecki talks to Orban about energy. PO has its own anti-smog program


What goes on in Poland on the 3rd of January.

Morawiecki talks to Orban about energy

Bilateral issues, regional cooperation including the Visegrad Group and new perspectives of development were the main topics of a meeting of the Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki with his Hungarian equivalent Victor Orbán. Morawiecki’s official visit in Budapest took place today.

Prime ministers will talk about current agenda within the European Union: lawfulness issues, energy, climate and migration. The visit will also be an opportunity to talk about foreign policy and security issues, including Poland’s membership in the Security Council in 2018-2020, the concept of the concept of European defense development, cooperation within NATO, eastern policy and Western Balkans, as well as enlarging the potential of economic cooperation.

Civic Platform (PO) responds to Morawiecki. It has its own anti-smog program

At least 0,5 per cent of GDP, that is around PLN 9 billion (€ 2,5 billion) of government spending for fighting smog is one of assumptions of Civic Platform’s (PO) project, to ensure an effective fight against smog. Switching to ecological sources and thermo-modernization of buildings would be financed by the program in order to improve the air quality.

The money would come from several sources, including the state’s budget, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, regional environmental protection and water management funds, EU aid and funds from CO2 emissions trade.

PO offers a financial aid for households to cover higher costs of low-emission heating systems. The support is supposed to have its social aspect, targeted to the poorest, as well as tax cuts, aimed to equalize higher costs of ecologic heating systems.