Polish Briefing: There is no conflict between Poland and Denmark. The discussion on borders will not influence Baltic Pipe


What goes on in Poland on the 6th of December.

Strategic warehouses from PKN Orlen to Gaz-System. It is about safety

On the 28th of November, Polish government accepted policy for logistic infrastructure in oil sector. It contains permissions for building the second northern oil pipeline and handing over saline storages to Gaz-System.

Refineries should be supported in sources supplying. This policy also concerns storages system. The policy contains an investment indication for PERN company about building the second line of the northern oil pipeline. It is to provide Płock with such kind of oil, to make it work as efficient as possible. – In fact, taking into consideration different kinds of oil, delivered by Naftoport, separated and sent to the Płock Refinery – said minister Naimski.

– We have an opportunity to supply the refinery from Naftoport. The transfer through one line will be enough for it to work. The second line is necessary to rationalize the species. This will reinforce the safety – rated Piotr Naimski. The minister informed that exercises of terrorist attacks have shown that the second line will be necessary.

Naimski: There is no conflict between Poland and Denmark. The discussion on borders will not influence Baltic Pipe

Minister Piotr Naimski, responsible for strategic energy infrastructure has rejected suggestions that the topic of marking borders between Polish and Danish territorial waters was supposed to harm the Baltic Pipe project. In his opinion, more such suggestions have been lately appearing in the public debate.

.-Suggestions that there are conflicts and arguments around Baltic Pipe are not true. I was in Copenhagen where we reached an agreement that the issue of jurisdiction over mapped part will be solved according to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Because we are entering the stage of full realization of the investment, there will be more statements, analyses, voices that will convince that the project is hard and gas will be much more expensive. Problems aimed to weaken Polish reliability will be quantified – said Naimski